Mini Magic Healed My Fractures and Relieved My Pains

By | January 13, 2022

If I may add an experience with the Mini Magic… 3 months ago was having to walk endless hospital hallways while tending to my dad’s needs. At some point, I broke, rather fractured my foot. Having danced professionally, broken toes, feet issues.. well aware of feet issues. I had used the Mini Magic at the beginning, and I experienced some relief. Was slowly healing, and unfortunately, because I changed my gait, the fracture radiated and created more problems… sigh. A couple of days ago I decided to switch out the quad coil for the single coil. Placed one on the bottom of the fracture point and one on top.. right behind the smallest toes. I ran it for a couple of hours while typing. Got up and was surprised, then not, at how much the pain was relieved. Went to bed and kept the Mini Magic running for a few hours. When I awoke and stood up, for the first time in 3+ months, I had no, zero pain. I was amazed but then knew why. Mini Magic. It provided an amazing amount of relief in just one day. Fractures, breaks, insults to the body take time to heal. I knew I could not expect instant relief on a bad fracture at the start. But was pleasantly surprised and very happy when I came at it again and experienced a significant reduction in pain. Yay.

Reviewed by David, 30 December 2021.


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