A Recent “Win” With My Ray Gun

By | September 2, 2021

Thought I’d share a recent “win” with my ray gun.
About 4 weeks ago I noticed a persistently itchy, rough, spiky spot on my scapula, the same colour as my skin, and about 3-4mm in size when I noticed it. I have a history of skin cancer, so I had it checked by my doctor. It ended up being keratosis. He offered to freeze it off, but I said that I’d been treating it with my ray gun and it had already shrunk significantly, but if it continued to bother me, I’d go ahead.
Throughout the ray gun treatment, every time I used it, the itch would subside and lessen in severity, frequency and duration. I was surprised at how quickly it responded as I was only able to tolerate 10-20 seconds tops for each treatment on that part of my body. (I always stop if I feel any tingling or pricking feeling – don’t want to burn myself!)
A few days after my appointment, and only a couple of ray gun treatments later, it’d completely disappeared. No itch. No scar. No sign whatsoever that it was there in the first place.
Can’t wait to show my doctor! 😀

Reviewed by Triana Parry, 30 August 2021.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MiraMate/posts/1242721596254821

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